Free Downloads! Babylon-5 button

From the Walls of Babylon 5
To Your Computer Screen

These are four of my favorite images from the Babylon 5 series. I think they make great desktop wallpaper, so I wanted to share them with other fans of the series. Feel free to take one or all of them for your private use. Please keep my little "Photo by" and "copyright" notice in place; I made them pretty small and unobtrusive.

The files are available in two sizes, 640 X 480 and 800 X 600, as well as in two formats, .bmp and .jpg. The .bmp files are the only format that Windows will accept for a background. You can preview each image, before you select your choice, by following the link. While the .jpg files aren't quite as high a quality as the .bmps, they could be downloaded, moved into your paint program and saved as a .bmp. This will only lower the quality by about 10% and will save you the longer download time. Whatever you decide, I hope that you enjoy the images.

thanx, RL

* indicates required field
Select your free download image: *
640 by 480 Bitmap (901K)
800 by 600 Bitmap (1,407K)
640 by 480 JPG (20K)
800 by 600 JPG (29K)
Grand Tetons (rt. image of triptych)
640 by 480 Bitmap (901K)
800 by 600 Bitmap (1,407K)
640 by 480 JPG (70K)
800 by 600 JPG (104K)
Aberdeen Glass
640 by 480 Bitmap (901K)
800 by 600 Bitmap (1,407K)
640 by 480 JPG (51K)
800 by 600 JPG (82K)
Aurora Bolealis
640 by 480 Bitmap (901K)
800 by 600 Bitmap (1,407K)
640 by 480 JPG (51K)
800 by 600 JPG (58K)
Your Name: *
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EMail Address: *
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I will add your address to my newsletter list,
to keep you informed about specials I am offering
(once every few months)
On a scale of 0 to 6, how big a B5 Fan are you?*
(Zero being "What's a B5?" and six being "Ranger Class Fan for Life!")
How did you find my site? Check one or more.*
Word of mouth      Fate
Search Engine        Blind Luck
After visiting my site, which is your favorite image?*
Would you be interested in a CD with my entire "Set Dressing" collection
(over 25 images - including my images used on "Crusade")
sized for screen-saver programs, at a very reasonable price?
Yes      No

(download your free image)


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All images Copyrighted © 1997 by RL Dietz
All Babylon 5 images Copyrighted © 1995 -1997 by PTN Consortium
Updated July, 2004

This site created by: WebMaker